RELEASE DAY BLITZ: The Line that Binds by J.M. Miller
Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by today! Today's blog is a special one for me because I have a personal connection to the amazing...

GUEST POST: A Coat of Polish will do the Trick by Marissa Campbell
Hello awesome readers! Thank you for stopping by my blog today! I've got something special for you! Marissa Campbell, author of the...

GUEST POST: Why I chose to Self-Publish by J.M. Miller
Hi everyone! Tonight I have a special treat for you! One of the topics that has been buzzing around the writing community lately is the...

#PitchWars Mentee Bio
Oh hey there! If you are visiting this page, it's probably for one of the following three reasons: 1) You are a fellow mentee and are...

BLOG TOUR: Blackmail Boyfriend by Chris Cannon
Hey everyone! Today is such a fun day? Why? Because I have another awesome book to share with you! One reason I love doing these blog...