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Publishing Journey

Can you describe your publishing journey? Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

I first started this journey in 2008. I was recently married, and my husband was deployed. I was living in a brand new city without any friends or family nearby. I spent most of my free time reading, but eventually I found my way into the fanfiction world. I wrote Harry Potter  (specifically Dramione) fanfiction for a long time, and then I began toying with the idea of writing my own original fiction. After a friend's encouragement, I decided to give it a try.


Over the next few years, I tried to write as much as possible, but life was pretty busy. During that time, I went to grad school and got my masters degree, and I also got pregnant and gave birth to twins. I wasn’t able to devote as much time to writing as I’d had in earlier days, but once my twins were a little older, I decided I wanted to get serious about my writing.


I started writing the first draft of what would become Keeper on June 17th, 2013. I finished that draft on August 8th, 2015. It was one of the coolest moments of my journey so far. I was sitting in a public library with tears pouring down my face because I was so proud of myself for finally finishing. After that, I did multiple rounds of revising and editing. I recruited two freelance editors to help me whip the manuscript into shape and their feedback was so helpful! They are the reason KEEPER is what it is today. After I had a draft that I was really proud of and felt good about, I began the beta reading process and started entering writing contests. Both of those things led to even more rounds of R & E.


Finally, in March of 2016, I began to query literary agents. In total, I sent well over 100 queries. I received 87 rejections, but on May 24th, 2016, I received an R&R (revise and resubmit). On September 16th, 2016 after I had sent the (yet again!) revised manuscript, that agent offered me representation. BEST. DAY. EVER!! From there, we did—yup! You guessed it!— ANOTHER round of revisions and then took the manuscript on submission. It took several months, but on February 8th, 2017 I was offered a publishing contract! Keeper debuted from Flux Books on January 30th, 2018. I have since parted way with my first agent and am now represented by Christa Heschke and Daniele Hunter at McIntosh & Otis.


It literally took me a decade to make my dream come true! I don’t mind though—I’ve learned SO much along the way, and I know that everything happens in the exact right time it’s supposed to happen. I feel so incredibly lucky to be where I am today.

Are Keeper and Seeker standalone novels or are they part of a series?

Keeper and Seeker are part of a completed duology.  Keeper is the first book, and Seeker is the second and final book in the series.

I prefer Audiobooks. Is there a way to listen to your books?

YES! Both Keeper & Seeker have been made into audiobooks through Audible and are available on Amazon!​ Click HERE to check them out!


Keeper and Seeker aren't published in my country. How can I read them?

It is my greatest hope to see Keeper & Seeker published worldwide, but until then, check out Book Depository. It's a great website where you can order books and have them shipped anywhere in the world for free!

Can you be my critique partner or beta reader? Will you read and edit my manuscript?

Thank you so much for thinking of me, but I'm not able to take on any beta readers or critique partners at the moment.


Unfortunately, my schedule is such that I'm not able to read any manuscripts at this time. I wish I could! 

I'm a blogger/vlogger/podcaster and I'd love to do a feature on you! Are you available for an interview?

I love doing interviews! However, I'm currently on deadline and have three kiddos at home. My schedule is pretty packed, so I'm not able to do any video/phone interviews at this time. Written interviews are easier, but that too depends on my schedule. All interview requests can be sent to or through my contact form.


Thank you for understanding!

I'm an aspiring writer! Do you have any advice for me?

Yes! Never stop writing! Read as much as you can, and don't let anyone tell you your dream is silly!


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