"Waiting for Keeper" Wednesday | Part Six: Meet Serena!
Hi guys! Welcome back to another Waiting for Keeper Wednesday! We're a little over a month away from release day (eeeeeekkkkk!) and I've got a new character to introduce you to today!

If you've missed the previous character introductions, be sure to check them out here: LAINEY, MAGGIE, and GARETH.
Before I reveal this week's character, I need to stop and give props to the amazing artist who brought all of my characters to life: the talented Tara Spruit! Tara is incredible and working with her was such a dream! If you're interested in learning more about Tara, you can find her on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Now, let's get to it! I'd like for you to meet.... SERENA!! Serena is Gareth's girlfriend and the closest thing Lainey has to a mother. Serena is quite the kooky character, but don't let her zaniness fool you--she has a fierce heart and there's definitely more to her than meets the eye!

The future is subjective after all, much like my visions. Nothing is set in stone until it happens.”
I can't wait for you to get to know Serena better! She was a blast to write and her story is far from finished! :)
Thanks again for stopping by! There will not be a post next week, as I will be taking some time away from social media to spend the holidays with my family. I'll be back the following week though, and be to come back for another character reveal!!
Also, don't forget to pre-order your copy and claim you swag pack of signed goodies! To do so, go HERE. Thanks again and see you next week!
Until next time, folks!